
4 things you must know before becoming a real estate agent

Looking in from the outside, being a real estate agent is a pretty easy job right?  We get overpaid to sit around chatting and drinking coffee all day.

Having been involved in real estate in one way or another for over a decade I have seen many people take up a career in real estate only to find out that it isn’t as easy as it seems!!

Here are a few things that I have learned about getting started in real estate…

1. Before you can list and sell a house, you have to be able to sell yourself.

2. Before you can sell yourself, you have to market yourself.

3. Marketing yourself costs money.

4. Coffee isn’t free either!!

If you are thinking about becoming a real estate agent, do your homework and speak to as many real estate agents as possible from as many different brands as possible.  (If you wish to speak to me as well, just send me an email at with your details).

If it sounds like the right career for you then GO FOR IT!!

Good luck!!